Welcome to the Neonatal Simulation Center!
Located on the same floor as our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, this dedicated space is going to change the way we learn.
Finding a space to effectively run simulation has always been an issue. With the help of our management team we were finally able to realize a dream and build a simulation center focused around neonatal health and management.
We have the capacity to run high and low fidelity simulations on preterm and term neonate models; as well as, running simulations focused on line access, intraosseus access, lumbar puncture, chest tube placement, and much more.
Thank you to our dedicated Mock Code team and everything they did to make this a reality and for setting up the room. We hope to spend many years in here learning and improving the care we provide our smallest warriors.
We believe that practice makes every department better.
In 2018 we established a Mock Code team made up of Neonatologists, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and Respiratory Therapists.
The aim of the group is to simulate events that would occur in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and its adjoining units (Birthing center, Emergency Room and the Operating Room).
We are proud to say that we run both NRP and unit based simulations every other Wednesday mornings.
Furthermore, on a yearly basis we run simulations between units to help identify system, equipment and team issues. These have lead to some substantial changes to the way we work.
We currently have premie Anne dolls, lumbar puncture simulation mannequins, term mannequins, and the ability to run a mock code with full resuscitation cart and IO placement. We also use the app Simmon on our monitors to control vitals with our phones while running the simulations.
In 2018, we did a simulation with the collaboration of Emergency Room, Obstetrics, Anesthesia and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. This included all the multidisciplinary teams as well (RNs, RTs, administration, etc.) to ensure that the process of a pregnant individual coming through emergency room would be streamlined.
You can read more here:
Dr. Nina Nouraeyan
Director of Neonatal Simulation, Hospital NRP Instructor Trainer,
ACORN Instructor -
Dr. Sabrina Furtado
NRP Instructor
ACORN Instructor -
Phoukim Savanh
NRP Instructor
Angie Spiropoulos
Manager of Respiratory Therapy
Caroline Dupont
Respiratory Therapist, Technical Coordinator
Educator and NRP Instructor -
Marie Garabedian
NRP Instructor, Nurse Educator
Sharan Gill
NRP Instructor - RN
Roxane Samson
NRP Instructor - RN